That Crochet Detail...

Hey you gorgeous people!

My exams are officially starting this week and I think that it's safe to say that I am incredibly scared but hopefully I'll be okay, positivity is key!

This outfit is one of my favourites by far! The dark denim jeans and the black crochet detail top, both from New Look, are new additions to my wardrobe and are a little different to the style that I usually wear.

Comfort for me is a very important factor when picking out clothes. For the most part, I choose casual t-shirts and black jeans so, to opt for something with a lot more detail, is certainly a good change! This is such a nice outfit to wear for spring because the top is made from a light material and the jeans create a nice contrast from the darker colours of winter.

The H&M pumps have made a comeback again and will be seen in a few more of my outfit posts coming up soon. I'm now going to dream about shopping whilst I continue learning quotes for my exam...woooooo!!


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