Peachy Keen

Hey lovelies!

Spring is here! I'm so happy that the weather is FINALLY brightening up - the sun is out and there's that fresh breeze in the air. I may be an Autumn baby but boy do I love the Spring and Summer months. I love the fact that everything just feels better, our moods included, and life gives you a break for a little bit.

This look shown right here was custom made by my sister, The Skinny Hot Choc, and she absolutely nailed it! The way that she chose to make my eye colour pop was so cool and I definitely bow down to her for her creative streak. 

I just want to say that I hope my cheesy grin makes at least one of you happy out there - I was feeling particularly jolly this day haha! I was going through all of the photos that I took and it's safe to say that a lot of them look like the ones I used in this post. Say cheeeeeeeeese!


P.S. For a full breakdown of the products she used on me, head on over to her blog or click here for a direct link to her post on this exact look!


  1. Ah that colour is the prettiest thing ever! I would love to keep in touch, it is always lovely to make new blogger friends! x



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