Skála Oropoú, Evvoia, Greece | Photo Diary

Hey lovelies!

I've been back from Greece for just over two weeks now and I think it's safe to say that it feels as if I've never been away. This is how everyone feels when they get back right?! We all just automatically get back into the swing of things and right into the upcoming season? So cruel!

Anyway, I wanted to share a little photo diary with you all because, this time around, things felt a lot calmer throughout my holiday in Greece. My family and I spent most of our days going to the beach, eating good food and purposefully missing the midday sun which made for beautiful sunset photos and golden hour selfies with one another - it really is a gorgeous country and I thank God for letting it be a part of my roots!

This holiday became a whirlwind three and a half weeks as I engaged with four different books, several bike rides and plenty of swimming. Sounds all well and good right? Wrong. The most challenging part was learning how to cope in 36°C heat which consisted of, but was not limited to, one fan and three seats on a sofa, two of which received mildly cool air...not fun!

I did, however, attempt to re-learn the complex language that is Greek, just in a less traditional way. I mean, I may or may not have learnt the majority of the new Greek words in my vocabulary from the Greek Trivago ads...okay, okay don't judge though because the Trivago girl (Sophia Manolakou for those who want to know) was actually so sweet! All it took was for me to ask my mum what Sophia was saying and then constantly repeat the words like a parrot for the rest of the day...all day...everyday...even when the adverts weren't on the TV! The skill isn't completely useless because if any of you ever need to say: "Hotel? Trivago" in Greek, I know the lingo now and can definitely help you out!

I'm totally getting side-tracked here haha! I hope with all my heart that you enjoy having a look through my little photo diary from my holiday. I promise you that it is full of sea views, yummy food and sunsets worth remembering! Be sure to let me know if you've ever been to Greece or have even blogged about it! I would love to see what your experience was like in this stunning place!


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