21 Things I've Learned At 21

Hey lovelies!

So with my birthday week well and truly in motion, I thought that I would look back over the last year and think about everything that I've learnt about myself and general day-to-day life! Being 21 has been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for me as it may have been for many others but I hope, with all my heart, that 22 ends up being one of the my best years yet! I'll be sure to let you know next year but until then, watch this space!

So without further ado and in no particular order, here are 21 things I've learnt at 21:

1. Jealousy gets you absolutely nowhere, trust your heart/gut and stick with it!

2. When it snows, don't waste the day inside! Go out and be the Snow Angel that you truly are!

3. A fresh new haircut will make you feel like a different person, channel it and your personality will flourish!

4. A dozen red roses for Valentine's Day always makes a girl feel super special!

5. Buy the baker boy hat, just do it but don't forget to wear it...still learning this lesson!

6. When you get that amazing grade, cherish it like nothing else because it was your hard work that got you it!

7. In times of desperate need, those big soft teddy bears have great shoulders to cry on!

8. Enjoy those last few weeks of university because you won't get them back but you'll always have the memories.

9. Graduation gowns in Summer are a recipe for disaster so wear something light underneath!

10. A little distance between people can help to get things sorted in your brain a bit more.

11. Cling onto holiday mode for as long as you need until you get settled into normality - it's not easy!

12. Set backs happen - don't let them define you or your capabilities!

13. Surround yourself with people you love as much as possible because chances are they love you too and would never give up on you.

14. Cry my girl, cry as much as you need and don't let anyone judge you for it.

15. Speak your mind but make sure to hear others out.

16. Keep taking photos and videos like you always do because "future you" will thank you!

17. Binge watch your favourite shows all year round, it will get you through the stress, down-periods and sad times but also make you happier in your happy moments!

18. Continue loving your mum as much as you do because she is an amazing person and will always be your rock!

19. Walking is your friend, even if you don't feel like it, just walk, walk, walk walk!

20. Value the student life because before you know it, your precious student discount has expired and you'll have to start paying for dentist and optician appointments...so not amused!

21. Engage in more intelligent conversations, you might be surprised with just how much you know!

There we have it, here's to being 21! You gave me so many good times, but with that came the bad but what's life without those ups and downs? Boring apparently, but maybe a little more peaceful I should think! I learnt a lot this year and I'm so excited to see what being 22 will bring - hopefully loads of happy times, fingers crossed! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!! 🎂🎈🎉🎁💖


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