Is it just me or did you sing that Frank Sinatra song when you read the title?! I have travelled to a few places during my teenage years including Paris, Capri, Reykjavik, Sorrento and Athens but somehow, despite the fact that in February it isn’t the warmest, New York still holds a special place in my heart. I have wanted to go there for such a long time and when the tickets were finally booked, I’m not going to lie; I shed a tear because it felt like one of my dreams was coming true!

The snow-covered streets and the fresh Central Park air were enough to make me consider living there one day. Fifth Avenue was fashion heaven for me and Times Square was so beautiful at night with all the stores and restaurants lining each corner. The hotel that we stayed in – The Courtyard by Marriott in Midtown Manhattan – was in the perfect location as it was close to the subway and the main convenience stores plus the staff were super friendly and were more than happy to help us out with anything that we needed.

The weather was more or less the same every day – cold and snowy – but we got used to that especially because we live in the UK where it rains quite often! I made sure to wrap up warm and my Mickey Mouse-like hat was a big hit with the Americans, I received compliments from strangers in the street and the hotel staff who would shout “there she is!”, as if I was famous because of the hat. The overall experience made me fall in love with the city and I so want to go back!

I took so many pictures and have chosen my favourites to show you, enjoy!!


View from the hotel room
Chrysler Building in the distance
Grand Central Station
Panoramic View from the Empire State Building
Lights for miles
The Freedom Tower
Working hard!
Which way to the Brooklyn Bridge?
Found it!
Pathway through the Brooklyn Bridge
Epic view of Manhattan
Love locks
Key to your heart
Wall Street
Central Park snow covered

Times Square

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