The LOB!

This hairstyle is seriously taking over the world! I am obsessed with it!! For those of you who don’t know, the LOB is a long bob, usually somewhere near your shoulders – sometimes slightly above, at other times slightly below. My sister for one who, by the way, also has a blog (The Skinny Hot Choc), has now cut her hair to what I consider to be the perfect length. She is still able to do stuff with her hair whilst also having the option to wear it down and for it to look completely effortless (she did a post on it here).

I have cut my hair to round about this length before and have loved it but there was always that part of me that wanted my long hair back, especially that one time when I was trying to do a fishtail braid to the side and every little layer I had kept popping out and I had to give up – it was a stressful time for me!

I was very much inspired by the likes of Gemma Pranita, Ashleigh Brewer, Renee Bargh, Sincerely Jules and so many others who had decided to give their hair a nice chop. I have now, after writing this, convinced myself to give my hair that same chop and go back to those times when I didn’t have to worry about my hair looking straggly and getting in the way. These days it is a constant hair whack that occurs every few minutes that allows me to get my hair out of my face just so that I can see – this change needs to happen, not just because of how convenient it will be but because it will symbolise a fresh start in my life, one more positive and different to the one I had before, i.e. last year.

I'm going to do it!!


(Image from @gemma_peanut - Instagram)
(Image from @_ashbrewer - Instagram)
(Image from @reneebargh - Instagram)
(Image from @sincerelyjules - Instagram)
(Image from

(The Skinny Hot Choc)

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