New York: Revisited

Hey lovelies!

Sorry to break up the beginning of my many Summer-related posts here on Not Vicarious but I'm going to put in this throwback post, simply because the pictures are just too stunning not to show you - if I may say so myself hahaha - plus who doesn't like a little bit of reminiscing?

My trip to New York started off perfectly by checking into the modern and eccentric looking Novotel New York hotel that is situated right on the cusp of Times Square. The location couldn't have been better and I genuinely loved venturing out into the pretty streets to see what the city had to offer to me the second time around. Thankfully I got to experience a whole lot more, including a day out to Greenwich Village, a quick trip to the High Line and an even more exciting visit to the big Target in Brooklyn...I finally made it to one guys!

There is a lot that can be said about the Big Apple. Some view it as incredibly overrated and yet, despite this, I still don't think that it detracts from the stunning architecture, the luxurious parade of fashion and beauty stores, and the endless mix of the natural and human world. The concrete jungle still finds space to house many gorgeous parks, such as Central Park and my new favourite Bryant Park, and presents plenty of alternatives to the usual tourist attractions, so much so that the opportunities become endless!

The best part about getting to travel to New York in February was that I was able to be there for Valentine's Day and whilst it wasn't too great being away from the one I love, it was still so nice to see people celebrating in their own little ways. There were loads and loads of chocolates, red hearts and huge teddy bears that I was seriously considering buying even though they probably weigh ten times more than me! I had such an amazing time and although, by the last day, I was so tired of walking everywhere, it all felt worth it for what I was able to see in the relatively short amount of time that I dedicated to this large city.

I hope that you enjoy looking through the pictures I took, maybe it will convince you to take a trip across the pond!


P.S. Let me know, in the comment section down below, if you love New York as much as I do and please feel free to leave links to any travel posts you've done - I'd love to see them, I like a bit of wanderlust!
View from the Rockefeller Centre
This will never get old!
Is it weird that I have a soft spot for the MetLife Building? It used to be the building for Pan Am!
Empire State of Mind
Structurally Powerful
Skyline Views that you?
So beautiful and so talented!
NYFW in progress
One of my favourite places to look at!
Flatiron Building
The sun makes everything better!
The Friends Building
Pretending like I live here
Sister Sister!
How cute is she?!
The Rockefeller Centre
Rockefeller Centre - Ground Level
These look so delicious!
Can you see it?
Just a little bit of snow, here and there
This honestly reminds me of a house that can be built in Sims haha!
Sit with me awhile
Sweet words for Valentine's Day
You should know that I love bread very much!
A stunning church!
I mean come on now...the architecture is incredible!
Stopping off for lunch at Trattoria Spaghetto - I definitely recommend it!
Once again, the bread makes an appearance haha!
Sweet Heaven
Some day...
Me, myself and I
Hiidden Paradise
Gapstow Bridge
Bethesda Fountain
Choose a path...
So beautiful!
A Nature Transition
Reminds me of something out of a fairytale
Christopher Columbus Statue
So glad I ventured into this part of Central Park
A picture becomes ten times better when family are included
Central Park Shadows
Does this remind anyone of Gossip Girl?
Ice Skating in Central Park
I didn't want to leave!
Reminds me of so many movie scenes
Best way to end this post!

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