Black & Gold

Hey lovelies!

I am well aware of the fact that it looks like I'm trying to cling onto whatever is left of Summer and, although it may be true, there is no doubt about my excitement for the new season, I mean hello Autumn fashion!

Now, in all honesty, I initially wanted this post to centre around one of the extremely comfortable bikinis I purchased for my holiday but, once the pictures had been uploaded, I soon came round to the idea that this post would most likely become one full of beauty inspiration. I'm not mad about it though because I love gold eyeshadow more so than the average makeup lover and I am beyond obsessed with the gorgeous golden glow you're left with when you return from a sun-filled holiday.

I live for any and every opportunity to bronze my face beyond belief either to maintain my tan or at least fake it before anyone realises that my tan has actually faded and I'm as pale as Snow White...yes, it's very unfortunate. Nevertheless, this post will act as reminder for me of what once was and will hopefully offer you lovely people with some inspiration to stay glowy and bronzed for as long as physically possible, after all, that highlighted effect is not going out of style!

I hope that you're all having an amazing weekend, speak soon my loves!!


 My Gorgeous Photographer: The Skinny Hot Choc

Shop my Bikini: Top and Bottom

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