Berry Kiss

Hey lovelies!!

It's almost Christmas Day!!! I honestly have no idea where December went - it's flown by and before you know it, we'll be well into 2018! Anyway, we have a little bit of time before we even have to start considering our goals for the upcoming year; the festivities aren't over yet people!

Holiday looks are my favourite because you get to be incredibly inventive and play around with so many different products and colours. Once again, my sister was at the very core of this blog post with her beautiful makeup skills as she collaborated with me to create this super festive Christmas look! The name of this post is inspired by the lipstick used in 'The Holiday' which I deem as one of the more quintessential Christmas films for my generation, amongst many others of course. The oh-so-lovely Cameron Diaz wears the lipstick in a scene with Jude Law and his character's children all whilst radiating an effortless flush of colour - now this may not be all down to the lipstick but it sure does accentuate her natural beauty. I know that the colour of her lipstick isn't the same as the one shown here but it just seemed fitting for a lover of 'The Holiday' to use the name Berry Kiss for a post like this!

I love the way the pictures turned out and I also love my new haircut! I'm going to be honest with you, it really needed a good old chop because seeing the way it was heading, I found that I was having regular moments where I had this temptation to cut it all off by myself...I didn't so there's no need to panic haha! I know the shorter style is definitely different to my usual look but it's so refreshing, especially at this time of year where a lot of us embrace that "New Year, New Me" motto. Maybe some of you will be bold enough to try something a little new or different before 2018 truly begins.

Enjoy the photos and hopefully you can get some last minute inspiration for this holiday season! I hope that you all have a very Merry Christmas and I will speak to you soon my lovelies!


P.S. For a full and detailed description of how my sister did my makeup, head over to her blog: The Skinny Hot Choc

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