Autumn Beauty Trend - Mix & Match!

Hey lovelies!

Today's post comes to you after I was having a look through my sister's blog, The Skinny Hot Choc, and found this picture (above). Now, she may be a makeup artist but I have always known that she has had such a huge creative streak within her, even before she properly entered the beauty world! I am therefore so grateful that I have her in my life to continue to use me as her model and make incredible looks like this one!

I must admit that, despite some of you thinking I'm biased, I have always been in love with this look because not only does it incorporate two absolutely gorgeous shades by Kat Von D Beauty, the details of which you can find on Elena's post, but it also uses Autumn's colour palette in such a unique way! The deep rusty red and the deep purple melt seamlessly together between the top and bottom lip to create such a gorgeous sensual look! I would definitely love to see this become a beauty trend in the near future and hopefully be rocked by some of you lovely bloggers and readers out there!

Honestly though, I can see it now: the image of me sitting there planning out a fashion photoshoot with a camel coloured trench coat, a knitted jumper, black jeans, booties and this lip look! Oh I am so there hahaha! Would you want to see this look on my blog soon? I want to know and also be sure to let me know what you think of this potential trend, is it something that you're here for or is it just too risky for you? Chat with me in the comment section down below!


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