How To Stay Off Your Phone & Embrace The Season!

Hey lovelies!!

I am always reminded of how much time I spend on my phone and whilst I understand that it's so much more important to live in the real world, sometimes I just can't help it when everything I need to do is primarily on my phone! I can tell from now that this post is definitely going to be beneficial, not only for you, but for me too because I need some serious help detaching myself from my phone once in awhile.

Now, I have provided you with 5 easy steps to complete so that I can set you on your way to breaking away from that phone of yours for a few hours and fully enjoying that crisp Autumn weather before it disappears from your Instagram feed...I mean before your very eyes - whooops, clearly a typo hahaha!

Let's jump right into helping you all shall we...

1. Come to terms with missing your phone and then toss it aside!

This is by far the hardest step because some of us have a tighter grip on our phones than we like to think. The crucial thing to remember is that your phone will always be there when you return, it will still have notifications coming through and they will still be popping up when you go to switch it back on. I'm not forcing you to get rid of your phone for life, just for a little portion of your day so that you can really enjoy life in an uninterrupted manner!

2. Write a list!

If you're anything like me, you will love this part because it gives you a sense of excitement just to be able to think about all the things that you can do! I suggest writing an Autumn Bucketlist (mine can be found here) and really delving into your ideas of shows you want to attend, people you want to spend more time with, new activities that you can try out and, more importantly, what you can do for yourself to make YOU happy! I want this to be the step you can really put your all into, otherwise you'll find yourself settling for just sitting at home all season which, admittedly, can be nice but it won't let you see and experience new things.

3. Get Prepped!

Each time you want to complete something off of your bucketlist, make sure that you are prepped. If there is a DIY project you want to do, make sure you have all the materials you need in advance so that you're not forgetting anything and if you're going out somewhere, get your outfit ready, create a playlist for the journey there and back and get snacks, plenty of snacks! You won't be able to go wrong if everything is set in place for you to have an awesome time!

4. Make Beautiful Memories!

Oh my goodness, the time has come to just have fun! Laugh until your stomach hurts, smile like you've never smiled before and just make the most of every single moment! I will say from now that I will be personally offended if you don't take photos because that is honestly my favourite part about going out and spending time with other people and it is something that will serve you well, especially in the next step. You're probably thinking: "how on earth do you expect me to take pictures if I'm not supposed to be using my phone Steph?!" My answer to that is: if you have a camera or someone in your family has one you can borrow then use that, if not, buy one of those cheap disposable cameras like the good ole' times or even invest in a Polaroid camera because then you get instant results!

5. Keep Your Memories!

This is often my favourite part about making memories - the fact that you can do something with them so that you don't ever forget about all the good times is soooo nice! I am such a sentimental person, to the point where I can't help but make cheesy collages of the photos I have or rewatch Snapchat videos that I've probably seen SO. MANY. TIMES. but they still make me laugh just as much as the day I made them. If you feel as if your memories are all over the place then make a scrapbook or a memories book: print out pictures, stick them in a book and write funny or sentimental captions for each photo, it's completely up to you!

Now, I know that there are places like Truprint that make everything so easy so that you don't have to deal with the glue giving you sticky hands or the coloured pens accidentally making their mark on your clothes but, in some respects, it takes away from being there in the moment, physically handling the photos and taking your time to decide on the order you want to put them in. This can even be something you do with the ones you love, make an entire evening of it, gather all your pictures, laugh, talk, have fun and reminisce!


Okay now you can have your phone back hahaha! There you have it, my 5 simple steps to making the most from this season! I think that it's such a beautiful time of year to waste it glued to your phone for the entire 24 hours of each day so make the most of it whilst it lasts!


P.S. Let me know what your favourite part of Autumn is in the comment section down below! I want to know how you're making the most of this season!

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