Edinburgh, Scotland

I spent a long weekend in Edinburgh, exploring the local area and embracing the Scottish culture that presented itself loud and proud to my innocent eyes. One of my dreams is to travel all over the world (isn’t that everyone’s dream?!) and there is something about discovering new cultures and seeing new places that gets me really excited!!

Edinburgh was beautiful and the traditional Scottish way did not fail to impress me! The university in Edinburgh was having its graduation on the Saturday so there were bagpipes playing and lots of people walking around and enjoying the windy, yet sunny day. The best part of the whole trip was coming out from a lovely courtyard to find a bride and groom coming out of the church after their wedding ceremony and the bagpipes were playing and it was just incredible! Weirdly enough, I have never been to a wedding and although I wasn’t exactly part of it here, the feeling of just seeing the bride and groom looking unbelievably happy was enough to send me into a state of giddiness.

Edinburgh Castle was stunning and allowed me to see the whole of the city in all its glory! I had a great time wandering around the streets, being creeped out by the man with no face (*shivers*) I remember walking past this street performer completely forgetting that all he had for a face was a pair of sunglasses and a hat to top it off…wow, it was crazy!

I definitely recommend travelling to Edinburgh, especially if you want to experience its great history and typical Scottish culture. Everything is in close proximity and the view from Edinburgh Castle is wonderful!!

Enjoy the pictures!!




  1. Ahhh I'm glad you had such a lovely time, and the pictures you took are so pretty! I especially love the one of the cow's booty 😂

    Beka | www.bekadaisies.com

    1. AHAHAHA OH GOD! I feel like I should've taken that photo from a very different angle hahahaha xx



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