
Hey my lovelies!!

I'm back with another post!!!!! I have wanted to put this up for such a long time!!!

My shopping trip to H&M inevitably involved buying as much as I possibly could! I didn't really want to go back to university and wear the same old things that I had been wearing day-in and day-out, so thankfully the trip was very successful!

This black and white t-shirt was one of my purchases and I think that it's safe to say that I'm completely and utterly in love with it! I honestly find any excuse that I can to wear it more than once a week! It's super comfy and can be paired with absolutely anything which is a bonus in my eyes. Speaking of eyes, I decided to put on some black winged eyeliner to go along with the black and white theme - I love it!!

This top made me feel very sporty and what with the Super Bowl on, it just seemed very fitting! Also, I'm not sure what it is about black and white but I am instantly attracted to every item of clothing that has this colour combination! Black clothing is life!! :D


P.S. What is your favourite colour combination?

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