Live Life In Full Bloom

Hey lovelies!

I sure have missed putting together outfit posts like these. The perks of taking pictures in a different location are endless and I'm glad that the weather has finally been nice enough for me to step out of my house without having to worry about whether an extra layer is necessary or not.

This embroidered mesh top from H&M proved to be perfect for a sunny day of blogging and photography. I've wanted something embroidered for a while now but everytime I had a look, I could never find anything that I really liked...until I saw this beauty in the store and knew immediately that I had to try it on!

I experienced some hesitation, however, as I was slightly sceptical about the fact that a crop top was involved in the mix. I must admit that since my slightly bigger days, weight-wise, I've been a little wary of them and haven't been too keen to give them a try despite the fact that I've lost a good bit of weight. Evidently, this was a turning point for me and being a typical pear-shaped girl, my waist is quite small in comparison to my not-so-small hips so thankfully the crop top highlights the features that I like most about myself and stops short of the currently lesser appreciated ones!

The outfit that I incorporated the top into is super casual but still chic enough to wear on any day of the week. My Adidas Superstars and New Look jeans (similar) never fail to put me in my prime state of comfort and, guaranteed, a look just like this will get you feeling the same!

In addition to this, the phrase located just above the gorgeous rose detail: "Live Life in Full Bloom", is so beautiful for the Summer season and with the clever use of the word "Bloom", a much sweeter message and reminder is presented to you to abide by on a daily basis. I aim to incorporate it into my everyday life in hope that it will combat any signs of a bad day on the horizon, wish me luck!


P.S. Let me know if you own any embroidered items and how you choose to style them, I'd love to hear your ideas!

I had to make fun of myself in this picture - always having one hand to my face!!

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