Go-To Podcasts This Season!

Hey lovelies!

I have had such a wonderful day so far because aside from the life admin I've had to complete, I was able to spend a couple of hours walking this wooded trail (above), sitting in the fresh air and listening to some of my recent favourite podcasts. I don't think that I have a had a more successful and relaxing solo walk than this one in quite a while!

My obsession for podcasts has grown extensively over the last few months and not only have they given me the desire to start up one of my own but they have helped me to stay more positive, more open to new ideas and, as a result, they have made me much, much happier! Now before I start chatting away, I wanted to put in a little side note: if you're wondering about where to go for all of your podcast needs, I recommend checking out the free Castbox app which I use all the time! So get downloading and in the meantime...

Here are my top 5 favourite podcasts for this season!

1 // Kalyn's Coffee Talk by Kalyn Nicholson: As some of you may know, Kalyn is my go-to person whenever I need help getting organised, planning my life or getting the motivation I need throughout any rough period that I have. She is so sweet and thankfully, with this podcast, she will always be on hand to provide you with some more of her weekly wisdom and give you the boost you need to tackle any problems you may be having mentally, emotionally or personally with other individuals you know in your life. If you love her YouTube Coffee Talk videos then you will for sure love her podcasts!

2 // We're The Ladies by Carrie Murray & Julia Giaimo: After watching these lovely ladies on YouTube for quite a while now, I have recently got into their podcast that covers all things music, TV, mental health and life related. I really think that their podcast perfectly captures their hilarious friendship and allows them to be witty, sincere and so, so funny whilst talking about some of the more serious topics in life as well as some of the less serious topics like the narrator from Jane The Virgin, which was such a funny conversation! Please give this podcast a go, you'll be better off for it!

3 // The Poorly Planned Podcast by Alex Centomo, Dan Jensen & Tim Jensen: Now, could you think of a better trio?! I honestly love how casual and cool their conversations are throughout this podcast and I especially love the fact that it makes you feel as if you're having a good ole' chat with some of your best friends; this is probably where the idea of it being a "poorly planned podcast" comes from. Alex, Dan, and Tim make you feel so comfortable and give off that "hey let's sit down, get comfy and have a chat about life" vibe and I am living for it! I think that, sometimes, we need to have people to listen to, individuals that may not know you personally but can offer you advice using their own experiences. There's no judgement in this podcast, just real opinions and real experiences!

4 // Serious Influence by Blogosphere: This is a must for all of you bloggers and influencers out there! I have wanted something like this for such a long time and it's so great to see a brand put all the juicy answers to some of our agonising questions all onto one handy-dandy place. I especially love the episode with Victoria Magrath because not only is she the sweetest thing ever but she tells you about her honest experience in the blogging industry without being arrogant or giving you the impression that she is better than everyone else - we definitely need more Victoria Magrath's in this world! Have a listen and let me know what you think!

5 // The Female Struggle Is Real by Emma Jo Real-Davies: Finally we have someone who is brutally honest about the real pain of being a female! What I mean by this is: all the things that we tend not to talk about in a very open manner but want to scream out to the rest of the world so that maybe someone will understand or maybe, just maybe, there might be someone out there who feels the exact same struggle that we feel. This podcast is not only sympathetic but so incredibly empathetic and you need to check it out right now!

Be sure to let me know in the comment section down below if you're loving podcasts this season! If you are, which ones are you listening to at the moment? Any of my choices? I would love to get into some more, so let's chat!


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