Best of 2015!

Happy New Year My Lovelies!!!

Ahhhhhh it is officially 2016 and I am so excited to make new memories with the people that I love!! Hopefully 2016 will be a year filled with new experiences and some exciting changes with regards to the content of my blog. If you did not know already, 2015 was the year that I finally managed to start up my blog and I am so proud of how far I've come - I hope that I will be able to reach all of the goals and aspirations that I have in mind for this year, fingers crossed!

This post is my way of looking back at 2015 and everything that I am incredibly grateful for, may the New Year bring many more experiences just like these! I sincerely hope that you all have a wonderful year too and that it will be filled with lots of luck, love and genuine happiness!


P.S. What are your goals and aspirations for 2016? Let me know in the comments down below!

1. BeautyCon

Being able to attend BeautyCon was one of the highlights of 2015! I was so thankful to be able to have met the people that so inspired me and helped me to develop my makeup skills to what they are now. This was an event that I had seen on all the social media sites and it was definitely one that was talked about for such a long time - all of this just made me want to go to BeautyCon so much more! I made a post all about my BeautyCon experience here!

2. 5 Seconds of Summer Concert

This was epic!!!!!! I L-O-V-E-D this concert so, so, so much, I still talk about it to this very day and I still wear the wristband - I rarely take it off! I love 5 Seconds of Summer with all my heart (*laughs to self*) so being able to go and see them live was honestly a dream come true; I remember prior to this day, I would not stop talking about getting tickets, I would not shut up about it hahaha! Check out my outfit and enjoy perusing pictures from the show!

3. Barcelona

I had never been to Spain before 2015 and so you could probably guess how excited I was to be able to go! I loved every single second of it and still look back at the pictures I took whilst I was there - Barcelona was such a friendly city and I thoroughly enjoyed being able to take in the sites and experience the Spanish lifestyle and culture in all its glory! If you want to see my favourite photos from the trip, click here!

4. Starting University

This is something that I haven't really talked about but it has made me so happy over the last few months! It has certainly been a very different experience for me, what with having to move out and having to live in a new place but it has slowly become easier and I am enjoying every moment! I hope that in 2016 I will be able to share more about this part of my life, but for now, here is a picture of one of my favourite parts of my room...

5. Fashion Events

London Fashion Weekend was an amazing opportunity for me! If you didn't already know, my blogger sister (The Skinny Hot Choc) and I are completely in love with the world of blogging and being able to share what we know with so many others therefore, attending #LFWEND was perfect. We were so happy to actually get a glimpse of a different side of the fashion industry, one that wasn't found within the digital world, it was definitely something to remember! You can take a look at some of the pictures I took here!

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